Contact Us
Department of Bioengineering
410 Westwood Plaza (physical location)
420 Westwood Plaza (for mailing / shipping)
5121 Engineering V
Box 1599
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1599
Phone: 310-267-4985
Fax: 310-794-5956

Graduate Office
5121M Engineering V
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1600
Phone: 310-794-5945
Email: lili@seas.ucla.edu
Undergraduate Office
6426 Boelter Hall
Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1601
Phone: 310-825-9580
- Take I-405 North or South freeway depending where you are coming from and exit on Wilshire Blvd East
- Take Wilshire Blvd East to Westwood Blvd (3rd light), then turn left (North) onto Westwood Blvd
- After entering the campus on Westwood Blvd, Lot 8 will be on the left and Lot 9 will be on the right after Charles E Young Drive
- Engineering V is the building next to Engineering IV (located on Westwood Blvd and Strathmore)
- Take the elevator to the 5th floor of Engineering V. We are located in room 5121 Engineering V.
Map of UCLA: http://maps.ucla.edu/downloads/pdf/UCLA_Campus_BW_Map.pdf