Apply to Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Bioengineering
The Department of Bioengineering at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering invites highly qualified applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level. Applicants for the positions must have a demonstrated record of excellence in, and show exceptional promise for, high-quality research, teaching and professional development. The Department seeks candidates with a Ph.D. or equivalent in bioengineering or a closely related discipline at date of hire. With the close collaboration with the David Geffen School of Medicine and many other disciplines on campus, there are tremendous opportunities to develop interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative technologies to address medical needs. Candidates should be highly qualified to instruct in our core graduate and undergraduate bioengineering educational curricula and committed to teaching/mentoring students of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The department has a commitment to fostering an inclusive and more equitable environment and promoting the success of underrepresented students.
Apply to Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Pacific Islander Experiences in Engineering
The UCLA Samueli School of Engineering invites applications for an open Assistant Professor position to begin on July 1, 2024. We welcome applications from outstanding candidates in any subfield of engineering whose research, teaching, and/or mentoring has strong ties to Pacific Islander experiences in the United States. The position is joint with the Asian American Studies Center at UCLA, and builds upon UCLA’s commitment to foster an inclusive environment and promote the success of underrepresented students. The successful candidate will be expected to advance their active mentoring activities and participate in programs that provide research and professional development opportunities for our diverse student body (such as our Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity, our Women in Engineering program, and our student organizations listed at Teaching and service expectations will not exceed those of other faculty positions. Applicants should exhibit promise in developing and maintaining an extramurally supported research program, publishing and disseminating research findings, and serving as leaders at the forefront of their field.
As part of the Chancellor’s Native American and Pacific Islander Bruins Rising Initiative, the Office of the Chancellor and the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost have sponsored this search in order to recruit exceptional scholars whose research, teaching, scholarship and/or mentoring has strong ties to Pacific Islander experiences in the United States. This search is conducted in partnership between UCLA Samueli and the Asian American Studies Center. Faculty hired through this search are expected to maintain an active affiliation with the Asian American Studies Center and encourage the success of Pacific Islander scholars.
Apply to Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Native American Experiences in Engineering
The UCLA Samueli School of Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position with Specialization in Native American Experiences in Engineering, slated to commence on July 1, 2024. We strongly encourage applications from outstanding candidates across all engineering subfields who have significantly integrated Native American experiences into their research, pedagogy, and/or mentorship. As part of the Chancellor’s Native American and Pacific Islander Bruins Rising Initiative, the Office of the Chancellor and the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost have sponsored this search to recruit exceptional scholars whose research, teaching, scholarship, and/or mentorship have strong ties to the lived experiences of Native Americans in North America, including the U.S., Canada, and/or Mexico. Evidence of sustained engagement with Native American communities is highly desired. The search is conducted in partnership between the UCLA American Indian Studies Center and the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and builds upon UCLA’s commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship, nurturing an inclusive environment, and advancing the academic achievement of underrepresented students.
Faculty appointed through this search are expected to actively maintain their affiliation with the American Indian Studies Center, actively support Native American scholars and/or contribute to Native American scholarship in the field, and further develop their mentoring initiatives, particularly with Native American/indigenous students. Additionally, they are encouraged to actively participate in programs aimed at supporting our diverse student body. This includes involvement in our renowned Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity, our Women in Engineering program, UCLA’s American Indian Studies Center, and an array of student organizations, which can be explored at UCLA Samueli’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion page (, the American Indian Studies Center website ( and the UCLA American Indian Studies Department website ( Teaching and service responsibilities will align with those of standard faculty positions. We seek applicants who demonstrate potential in establishing a research program with external support, effectively publishing their findings, and positioning themselves as leaders in their respective fields.